Date: May 2023

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to develop a simple Java REST API tutorial using Springboot in Intellij Idea IDE Ultimate edition 2023.1.2. The final product (i.e. source code) of this tutorial can be downloaded from here. The web application also includes a small Ajax-based front-end, but also an OpenAPI generated documentation that can be used in order to consume the REST services of the application.
Step 1. Create a new IntelliJ Idea project using Spring Initializr generator
First, we create an empty Java project using Spring Initializr generator in IntelliJ Idea:

We choose Maven as the build system and War packaging; also we specify the JDK version, the package name (i.e. ro.ubbcluj.cs.restapiserver) and the name of the artifact (i.e. restapiserver).

Next, we choose the SpringBoot version, latest 3.1.0 (please note that version 3 of SpringBoot only works with JDK 17 or larger and similarly IntellyJ Idea requires a JDK larger than 17). We also check the dependencies: "Spring Web" under "Web" (because we are building a RESTfull API) and "Spring Data JPA" (we want to use ORM) and "Mysql Driver" (we use a Mysql DB) under "SQL".

The content of the generated pom.xml file is the following:
		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
				<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Step 2. Add the backend code source files
We first have to create all the source files of the back-end REST API in the "Java" directory: controller, model and repository. You can see the result file structure for the back-end in the following figure:

Step 3. Add the frontend Ajax code files plus html and css
We then add/code the simple front-end of the application under the "static" directory. You can see the result file structure for the front-end in the following figure:

Step 4. Configure Spring JPA in
We add the Spring JPA configurations in the file:
		# Spring JPA config
		spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver true
Step 5. Run a Maven "mvn compile"
We run "mvn compile" so that Maven downloads all the necessary dependencies specified in the pom.xml and compile our source files.

Normally, there shouldn't be any errors, but if there are in the majority of cases the error lies in a missing dependency in the pom.xml Maven file.
Step 6. Run the SpringBoot application
Normally, IntelliJ Idea has automatically created a run configuration for us. If this is not the case, we should add a run configuration in which we specify that the project should run on the local machine and the main class of the project is ro.ubbcluj.cs.restapiserver.RestapiserverApplication.
Next, we should just run the application. Then, in the browser, if we go to http://localhost:8080/ we should see our simple Ajax-based front end.

Step 7. Add extra, optional dependencies: actuator
We can add Actuator to our dependencies. Actuator is a library that prints the configured web routes of the application (i.e. the URL mappings). All we need to do is add the following dependency to pom.xml and then run "mvn compile" so that the new dependency is downloaded and added to the project:
			<!-- url is http://localhost:8080/actuator -->
And when we run our web application, the url http://localhost:8080/actuator/mappings will print the available URL routes of the web application.
Step 8. Add extra, optional dependencies: OpenAPI Springdoc
Instead of using the simple Ajax-based front-end for consuming the REST API we just created, we can generate HTTP requests for consuming the REST API using OpenAPI Springdoc. All we have to do is add the following dependency to pom.xml, write additional settings to and then run "mvn compile" so that the new dependency is downloaded and added to the project. The new dependency that should be added to pom.xml is:
The additional settings that should be added to are:
			# Swagger OpenAPI doc config
			# The url-ul for Swagger is: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
			springdoc.pathsToMatch=/v1, /student/**
If we run the SpringBoot application again, we can access in the browser the OpenAPI at this URL: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html